Thursday, October 7, 2010

Yes, my mothers family is Armenian! simply, dark hair, dark eyes, this is true! but looking closely at the women in my family; they live to take care of everyone they can. yes, my grandmother took care of her family, but she had a full time job and not becase my grandfather could not provide for his family. There is this strength that Armenian women posses, but at the same time they are weak. I see this everytime I look at my family. We would all do anything for anyone; yet there is great denile.

The forum lastnight about the relationships between men and women in Armenia; it's hard to describe but it feels internal, as though these people were wired this way. I only say this based on my own family evidance, and we do not "act" or "show" our Armenian side because none of my relatives were raised Armenian. they all blended with the typical American family. We are half Armenian and half Irish.

It's interesting to think about what it meant o be an Armenian Woman or man. There are certain roles each sex plays, and for some reason it is excpted. Granted the idea of adultery is worldwide, but in many countries it is either not spoken of or not excepted. The very thought of my husband sleeping around, gives me the heaby jeebies. Not, now, not ever would that be ok with me. I will never understand why these women except it and sometimes embrace this idea.

I work with smart, beautiful, strong women! Its hard to think, that they are only working til they get married or have children. The service they are iving these children, only a kind, caring, motherly figure could fullfil the needs of these children.

Even though, I feel as though I am not doing alot at work; the kids make it rewarding. Varhan running backwards and forwards, ending up in my arms, or watching davit paint with his intensity, is beautiful. It's sad they these kids will never be able to live outside these walls, even at home. for most of them, their families do not know how to handle them and there is a constant battle. back home childen with autism are treated with respect and have the opportunity to have the best life possible. I cannot wait for the rest of the world to be on the same page; but I won't hold my breath.

Love for now!
Keep strong women! you need to speak out and speak loud!

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